IRIS Connect Series Engineering Manual Version 1.8
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Dial Capture
Setup the dial capture panel interface.
Alarm override
Override the alarm panel’s account number and dialled number with those set in the IRIS Connect dialler.
Monitor panel interface
Sets the IRIS Connect dialler to monitor the dial port using the 18K resistor (as supplied in box) fitted across the A &
B terminals of the 2-wire analogue interface (telecoms module). Reports any status changes back to the monitoring
centre (ARC).
This resistor enables the dialler to detect cable faults and/or tampers and must be fitted at the alarm panel end of
the cable to function correctly. The monitoring centre will also need to enable the dial port monitoring from the IRIS
Secure Apps software to receive alarm notifications on this status.
Report poll fail
Tick to enable the dialler to drop the line voltage on the dial port connection if unable to poll over any configured
path to the monitoring centre. This allows the panel to detect and report locally on the keypad of the alarm panel
that it has a line fault, so the site has local indication of a communication failure (for EN standards).
Enable ring tone to panel
This feature is to allow the user to enable or disable the IRIS unit simulating the PSTN ring tone to the dial port while
the connection is being made. In most case this can be left as the default setting but if you are having issues with
alarms or remote service app connection (Upload/download), then you can try turning this off.
Euro ring cadence
If the alarm panel is expecting European or UK ring cadence to detect an incoming call, you can change the IRIS
Connect dialler to simulate either from Euro ‘ticked’ to UK ‘unticked’ (controls ring and ring tone cadence).