Page 36 of 40 IRIS Connect Series Engineering Manual Version 1.8
The dialler should be inspected on a yearly basis. At each inspection please perform the following:
Confirm the status of the IRIS Connect unit.
Clear any faults on the dialler.
Check battery status and replace if below required level.
Reflash IRIS Connect software to latest version.
Test the configured communication paths (Wi-Fi / GPRS / 3G).
Perform full test of alarms from the alarm panel and confirm these are received at the monitoring centre.
The IRIS Connect will give a visual indication of the current system status via the SYS LED on top left side of case. If
this is green
the dialler is all reporting ok, if red
the dialler has some trouble events being reported.
To further investigate any faults or to perform checks, the IRIS Connect dialler gives engineers the option via the
Web Browser screen, to see current faults, reflash to latest software and perform communication path checks.
To initiate the Wi-Fi connection engineers will need to ensure the IRIS Connect has power and then remove the front
cover via the release clips x 2 located at the bottom on the dialler, then press the button labelled AP on the IRIS
When the AP button is pressed the SYS LED will flash ‘blue’ to indicate AP mode has been activated and is awaiting a
connection. You now have a 30 minute time window to search and find the IRIS Connect using either a smart phone,
tablet or laptop’s Wi-Fi connect search function.
An ‘IRIS’ network should appear. Please connect to this which should turn the SYS LED solid ‘blue’ and using your
web browser connect to the IRIS Connect web interface by browsing to ‘iris.local’.
Note: If engineers have never used / connected to an IRIS Connect before it may be necessary to download /
install some application / software to connect via the Wi-Fi Web browser, please refer to
Section 7.9
“Configuration – Configuration via Web Browser using Wi-Fi connection”
Enter the installer code (should be noted somewhere, possibly installation notes) and then click Logon.
Engineers will now be in the Main Menu and can perform the following checks:
Confirm Current Status
If the SYS LED is green
then the current status is being reported as ok go straight to
Section 9.2 “Checking
battery status”
. If the SYS LED is red
which indicates the dialler has a trouble reported go to the option for
“Trouble report”.
This will redirect the engineer to connect the IRIS Connect Web browser interface via the Wi-Fi
Once connected via the Wi-Fi network the engineer can then check
the current system troubles being reported via
the “Trouble report” menu. Please refer to
Section 8.5 “Trouble report”
for further details on these events.
Checking Battery Status
The IRIS Connect dialler allows engineers to check the current battery
status and will indicate any issues with the batteries.
Go into the “Battery Status” option and confirm that the Health Status
is showing as “Good” before leaving site.
Replacing Batteries
If the backup batteries (optional) have been fitted then these should be replaced every two years.