IRIS Connect Series Engineering Manual Version 1.8
Page 33 of 40
Results and explanations
WiFi test Poll
: Dialler successfully polled to the monitoring centre (ARC) IRIS Secure Apps system
over the Wi-Fi network.
Polling disabled
: Configured not to poll over the Wi-Fi network; check ARC IP address and
account number are still entered.
Connection failed
: Failed to connect to ARC over the Wi-Fi network; check the ARC IP address
is correct, confirm Wi-Fi router External WAN connection and firewall setup.
Connection made, poll fail
: Connected to the ARC IRIS Secure Apps but was rejected; check
correct account number has been setup at ARC IRIS Secure Apps and that correct account
number is entered in dialler.
Connection made, authentication failed
Connected to the ARC IRIS Secure Apps but was
rejected due to invalid security key; check correct account number entered in dialler. If a
replacement dialler was installed the ARC will need to perform a ‘Reload Parameters’ on the
IRIS Secure Apps web interface.
Wifi test alarm
: Wi-Fi SIA level 3 test alarm reported successfully to ARC.
Connection failed
: Failed to send alarm to ARC over Wi-Fi network; check with ARC.
Indicate the current GSM/3G operator’s base station connected to, could be different from
SIM card if a roaming SIM for example.
: Dialler is connected to the GSM/3G network.
Not registered
: The dialler is not registered to the GSM/3G network; check SIM card is
enabled and inserted correctly into the SIM card holder, also check antenna and signal
strength are connected and above minimum signal strength.
GSM/3G signal
Indicates current signal strength, which is recommended to be above 10 for reliable
communications; if below the minimum required either move the dialler or antenna to gain
better coverage or fit an external high gain GPRS/3G antenna.
GPRS/3G local
: Dialler has a GPRS/3G attachment to the local base station
Not Attached
: Dialler GPRS/3G not attached to the local base station; check with setup with
SIM card provider.
GPRS/3G test poll
: Dialler successfully polled to the monitoring centre (ARC) IRIS Secure Apps system
over the GPRS/3G network.
Polling disabled
: Configured not to poll over GPRS/3G network; check ARC IP address and
account number are still entered.
Connection failed
: Failed to connect to ARC over GPRS/3G network; check the ARC IP address
is correct, and confirm SIM card is enabled for GPRS/3G machine to machine data (M2M) with
the SIM card provider.
Connection made, poll fail
: Connected to the ARC IRIS Secure Apps but was rejected; check
correct account number has been setup at ARC IRIS Secure Apps and that correct account
number entered in dialler.
Connection made, authentication failed
Connected to the ARC IRIS Secure Apps but was
rejected due to invalid security key; check correct account number entered in dialler, and if a
replacement dialler was installed the ARC will need to perform a ‘Reload Parameters’ on the
IRIS Secure Apps web interface.
GPRS/3G test
: GPRS/3G SIA level 3 test alarm reported successfully to ARC.
Connection failed
: Failed to send alarm to ARC over GPRS/3G network; check with ARC.