Page 24 of 40 IRIS Connect Series Engineering Manual Version 1.8
GPRS/3G Settings (IRIS Connect Due only)
This section allows the user to enter or view the GPRS/3G settings.
GPRS/3G Access Point Name for the SIM card used.
GPRS/3G User Name
If none required then leave blank otherwise set the GPRS/3G user name for the SIM card.
GPRS/3G Password
If none required then leave blank otherwise set the GPRS/3G password for the SIM card.
If the SIM card used has a PIN number set please enter here, normally this is disabled/blank.
Enhanced Roaming
This option enables an enhanced roaming feature when used with a roaming SIM.
Standard roaming SIMs will always attach to the preferred provider even if this has the weakest signal.
Enabling this option forces the GPRS/3G attachment to attach to the strongest signal base station. This allows the
IRIS Connect dialler to be even more resilient with the GPRS/3G network.
Monitoring Centre
Set the account name/number for the IRIS Connect unit on site, as
allocated by the monitoring centre.
Also setup the external IP address for the monitoring centre receiver
(polling engine).
Note: Only the primary/main ARC IP address needs to be entered on
the dialler as all backup or alternative IP addresses for the ARC are
downloaded to the IRIS Connect dialler on the first polling