Page 14 of 40 IRIS Connect Series Engineering Manual Version 1.8
Please go into the Battery Status option and confirm that the Health Status is showing as “Good” before leaving site,
as shown below:
Panel Configuration
Panel configuration for dial capture
If connecting the IRIS Connect dialler via the dial capture method which is connecting the Telecoms module to the
dial port of the IRIS Connect, the following options will need to be configured:
Alarm Panel Configurations:
Dial Type
Tone dial.
Telephone Number
The 12 digit format of the monitoring centre IP address
e.g. would become 192168000034.
Account Number
4 – 6 digit account number allocated by the monitoring centre.
Alarm Format
Fast Format (DTMF), Contact ID, SIA (level 1 to 3), or Robofon alarm format.
Note: If the ‘Alarm Override’ mode is selected, the IRIS Connect dialler replaces the phone number and the
account number used by the alarm dialler with the IP address of the monitoring centre and account number
entered during configuration, so there is no need to change any settings on the alarm panel.
The alarm signals commissioning can now be performed and sign off required by the monitoring centre (ARC).
IRIS Connect
Alarm Panel