7. A container for draining oil;
8. Many rags for wiping up the inevitable
In addition to the above items there are
several others that are not absolutely neces-
sary, but handy to have around. These in-
clude oil dry, a transmission funnel and the
usual supply of lubricants, antifreeze and
fluids, although these can be purchased as
needed. This is a basic list for routine main-
tenance, but only your personal needs and
desire can accurately determine your list of
tools. If you are serious about maintaining your
own car, then a floor jack is as necessary as a
spark plug socket. The greatly increased util-
ity, strength, and safety of a hydraulic floor
jack makes it pay for itself many times over
through the years.
The second list of tools is for tune-ups.
While the tools involved here are slightly
more sophisticated, they need not be outra-
geously expensive. There are several inex-
pensive tach/dwell meters on the market that
are every bit as good for the average me-
chanic as a $100.00 professional model. Just
be sure that it goes to at least 1,200-1,500
rpm on the tach scale and that it works on 4,
6 or 8 cylinder engines. A basic list of tune-
up equipment could include:
1. Tach-dwell meter.
2. Spark plug wrench.
3. Timing light (a DC light that works from
the car's battery is best, although an AC light
that plugs into 110V house current will suf
fice at some sacrifice in brightness);
4. Wire spark plug gauge/adjusting tools.
5. Set of feeler blades.
Here again, be guided by your own needs.
A feeler blade will set the points as easily as
a dwell meter will read dwell, but slightly less
accurately. And since you will need a ta-
chometer anyway . . . well, make your own
In addition to these basic tools, there are
several other tools and gauges you may find
useful. These include:
1. A compression gauge. The screw-in type
is slower to use, but eliminates the possibility
of a faulty reading due to escaping pressure.
2. A manifold vacuum gauge.
3. A test light, volt-ohm meter.
4. An induction meter. This is used for de
termining whether or not there is current in
a wire. These are handy for use if a wire is
broken somewhere in a wiring harness.
As a final note, you will probably find a
torque wrench necessary for all but the most
basic work. The beam type models are per-
fectly adequate, although the newer click type
are more precise.
Special Tools
Normally, the use of special factory tools is
avoided for repair procedures, since these are
not readily available for the do-it-yourself
mechanic. When it is possible to perform the
job with more commonly available tools, it
will be pointed out, but occasionally, a spe-
cial tool was designed to perform a specific
function and should be used. Before substi-
tuting another tool, you should be convinced
that neither your safety nor the performance
of the vehicle will be compromised.
Some special tools are available commer-
cially from major tool manufacturers. Others
can be purchased from your car dealer.
Chevrolet special tools referred to in
this guide are available through the Service
Tool Division, Kent-Moore Corporation,
29784 Little Mack, Roseville, Ml 48066-
2298. In Canada, contact Kent-Moore of
Canada, Ltd., 2395 Cawthra Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada L5A 3P2.
It is virtually impossible to anticipate all of
the hazards involved with automotive main-
tenance and service but care and common
sense will prevent most accidents.
The rules of safety for mechanics range from
"don't smoke around gasoline," to "use the
proper tool for the job." The trick to avoiding
injuries is to develop safe work habits and take
every possible precaution.
• Do keep a fire extinguisher and first aid
kit within easy reach.
• Do wear safety glasses or goggles when
cutting, drilling, grinding or prying, even if
you have 20-20 vision. If you wear glasses for
the sake of vision, then they should be made
of hardened glass that can serve also as safety
glasses, or wear safety goggles over your reg
ular glasses.
• Do shield your eyes whenever you work
around the battery. Batteries contain sul
phuric acid; in case of contact with the eyes
or skin, flush the area with water or a mixture