Store the tires at proper inflation pressures if
they are mounted on wheels. All tires should
be kept in a cool, dry place. If they are stored
in the garage or basement, do not let them
stand on a concrete floor; set them on strips
of wood.
If your vehicle has aluminum
wheels, whether they are the early "tur-
bine" style or the late (76 and up) slotted
style, be VERY careful when using any type
of cleaner on either the wheels or the tires.
Read the label on the package of the cleaner
to make sure that it will not damage alu-
An optional knock-off wheel was intro-
duced with the 1963 Stingray. This wheel op-
tion consisted of 15 x 6L cast aluminum
wheels, knock-off locking nuts, and wheel
adapters. The latter bolt to the hub, using the
existing wheel hub bolts. The flange of the
adapter had five pins that fitted into corre-
sponding holes in the optional wheels and lo-
cated the wheel to the hub. The securing de-
vice was the single, center, knock-off nut.
Each Corvette delivered with the optional,
knock-off aluminum wheels, was equipped
with a special knock-off hammer. Owners of
these cars were urged to tighten the knock-
off nut every 100 miles for the first 500 miles.
The suggested method was to strike the ears
of the nut eight hard blows.
Should adapter pin replacement become
necessary, remove the wheel and tire assem-
bly and remove the adapter from the wheel
hub. Select a socket of suitable size that will
Removing adapter pin
slip over the adapter pin. Position the socket
over the back of the pin and clamp the entire
assembly in a vise so that the socket acts as a
spacer to receive the damaged pin. Tighten
the vise and press the pin from the adapter.
Position the replacement pin and start it into
the hole by tapping lightly. Position the
spacer socket on the opposite side and again
clamp the assembly in the vise. Press the re-
placement pin into the adapter. Check to see
that it seats firmly against its bore. Install the
adapter and wheel.
The optional 16 in. cast aluminum
wheels on 1984 models are designated for
right, left, front or rear installation de-
pending on the cooling fins. Rear wheels
are one inch wider than the front.
Fuel Filter
The filter in Carter WCFB, Rochester Qua-
drajet, Holley 2300, and Holley 4150 carbu-
retors is located in the fuel inlet connection
and should be replaced at least every 12,000
miles or sooner if engine flooding occurs. The
Carter AFB uses an in-line filter, which
should be replaced every 24,000 miles. The
Rochester and Throttle Body fuel injection
uses an in-line filter, which should be re-
placed every 15,000 miles.
To replace an in-line filter, disconnect the
fitting at each end of the filter canister, dis-
card the old filter, and install the replace-
ment in the reverse order of removal.
To replace a fuel inlet filter:
1. Using an open-end wrench (preferably
a line wrench), disconnect the fuel line con
nection from the larger fuel filter nut.
2. Remove the larger nut from the carbu
Knock-off wheel adapter