Test and Procedure
Results and Indications
5.4—Test the fuel pump: Disconnect all
fuel lines from the fuel pump.
Hold a finger over the input fit-
ting, crank the engine (with elec-
tric pump, turn the ignition or
pump on); and feel for suction.
If suction is evident, blow out the fuel line to
the. tank with low pressure compressed air
until bubbling is heard from the fuel filler
neck. Also blow out the carburetor fuel line
(both ends disconnected):
If no suction is evident, replace or repair the
fuel pump:
Repeated oil fouling of the spark
plugs, or a no-start condition, could be the
result of a ruptured vacuum booster pump
diaphragm, through which oil or gasoline
is being drawn into the intake manifold
5.7 5.7
5.5—Occasionally, small specks of dirt
will clog the small jets and
orifices in the carburetor. With
the engine cold, hold a flat piece of
wood or similar material over the
carburetor, where possible, and
crank the engine.
If the engine starts, but runs roughly the
engine is probably not run enough. If the
engine won't start:
5.6—Check the needle and seat: Tap
the carburetor in the area of the
needle and seat.
If flooding stops, a gasoline additive (e.g.,
Gumout) will often cure the problem:
If flooding continues, check the fuel pump for
excessive pressure at the carburetor (accord
ing to specifications). If the pressure is nor
mal, the needle and seat must be removed
and checked, and/or the float level adjusted:
5.7—Test the accelerator pump by look-
ing into the throttle bores while
operating the throttle.
If the accelerator pump appears to be operat
ing normally:
If the accelerator pump is not operating, the
pump must be reconditioned. Where pos
sible, service the pump with the carburetor(s)
installed on the engine. If necessary, remove
the carburetor. Prior to removal:
Check for gas at the carburetor by
looking down the carburetor
throat while someone moves the
5.8—Determine whether the carbu-
retor main fuel system is function-
ing: Spray a commercial starting'
fluid into the carburetor while at-
tempting to start the engine.
If the engine starts, runs for a few seconds,
and dies:
If the engine doesn't start: