15. Remove the ignition switch from the
instrument cluster and remove all wiring
connectors. Unsnap the two locking tangs
with a screwdriver and unplug the ignition
connector. Disconnect the ignition switch
lamp support.
16. Disconnect the oil pressure line and
the instrument and lamp lead wires. Discon
nect the trip odometer cable.
17. Remove the cluster retaining screws
and pull the cluster slightly forward for ac
cess to the speedometer and tachometer ca
bles and the remaining wires.
18. Remove cluster. All instruments are
now easily accessible for service. Installation
uses a reverse of the removal procedure.
1. To service instruments other than the
speedometer and tachometer, follow radio
removal procedures. Small instruments are
easily removed, after the center cluster is re
moved from the console.
2. To remove the driver's-side instrument
cluster, first disconnect the negative battery
3. Lower the steering column.
4. Remove retaining screws and washers
at the door opening, dash top, and leftside of
the center panel.
5. Unclip and remove the left, front con
sole trim-panel.
6. Pull the cluster slightly forward for ac
cess to speedometer and tachometer cables,
headlight switch connectors, and lamp wires.
7. Remove the cluster. Speedometer and
tachometer may now be serviced.
8. Install using a reversal of the removal
This procedure outlines the re-
moval of the speedometer and tachometer
cluster. Refer to the previous Radio Re-
moval and Installation procedure to re-
move the center/console cluster.
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the left air distribution duct.
3. Remove the screws attaching the lens
to the bezel and remove the lens.
4. Remove the cluster attaching screws and
pull the cluster slightly forward.
5. Disconnect the speedometer cable and
lamp connectors as necessary.
6. Installation is the reverse of removal.
1984 and Later
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the spring-loaded light switch
knob and the light switch nut.
3. Remove the steering column trim
4. Remove the two steering column at
taching bolts and lower the steering column
to provide access.
5. Remove the cluster bezel front and left
side attaching screws.
6. Remove the cluster bezel from the in
strument panel.
7. Remove the cluster to instrument panel
attaching screws.
8. Pull the cluster carefully rearward to
get at the cluster electrical connectors. Metal
retaining clips are used at the back of connec
9. Remove the instrument cluster.
10. Installation is the reverse of removal.
Make sure all electrical connections are tight
and properly plugged together.
Reach behind the speedometer and depress
the retaining clip. Pull the cable from the
casing. If the cable is broken, raise the car
and disconnect the cable at the transmission.
Lubricate only the bottom % of the cable core
with speedometer cable lubricant. Recon-
nect all parts.
1. Remove the negative cable from the
2. Remove distributor and left-side igni
tion shields. Remove the left-side, sparkplug
wire bracket and position out of the way.
3. Disconnect the ballast resistor on the
firewall, then remove washer inlet and outlet
hoses at the pump valve assembly.
4. Remove the distributor cap and posi
tion one side.
5. Disconnect washer pump and wiper-
motor lead wires.
6. Remove the glove compartment.
7. Ensure that the wipers and motor are
parked, then remove the wiper linkage re-