Front wheel hub assembly
and disc. Be careful not to drop the outer
bearing as the hub comes off.
Disassembly of the hub removed the
outer roller bearing assembly. The inner
roller bearing remains in the hub, held in
place by the inner bearing lip seal.
2. Pry out this seal, discard it, and re
move the inner roller bearing assembly.
NOTE: //
the bearings are going to be
reused, it is not necessary to remove the
races. If this is the case, disregard steps 3,
4, 5 and 9.
3. Select a suitable brass drift punch and
insert it through the inner opening of the hub
so that it catches the outer bearing race.
Notches are provided in the hub for this pur
4. Tap the outer bearing race out. DO
NOT attempt to tap the race out from the
same spot—move the punch from side-to-side
to drive the race out evenly.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the inner race,
but insert the race through the outer opening
of the hub to catch the inner race.
Never match a new bearing to an
old race (or vice-versa) during assembly
excessive bearing wear will result.
6. Inspect the races. The bearing sur
faces must be perfectly smooth with no signs
of discoloration.
7. Thoroughly clean the bearings and the
inside of the hub. Blow the bearings dry with
compressed air and wipe out the hub.
DO NOT "spin" the bearings
with the compressed air; the bearing rollers
could shatter. Be sure that all traces of
cleaning solvent are removed after clean-
8. Inspect the bearings. The rollers
should be perfectly smooth; the bearing cage
should not be deformed. To inspect the inner
race of either bearing: Turn the cage and roll
ers around the race while holding the rollers
inward and the race stationary. If any grind-
ing or chattering is felt while turning, the
bearing assembly should be replaced with a
new unit.
9. Pack each bearing by pkcing a "ball"
of grease on your palm and pushing die larger
side of the bearing into the grease with your
other hand, forcing the grease into the cage
and rollers and out of the narrow side of the
bearing. The object of this is to pack the
grease between the rollers—smearing grease
on the outside of the bearing will do no good
whatsoever. Set the packed bearings aside,
on a clean surface.
10. If the races were removed, drive the
new races evenly and firmly into pkce and
lightly coat the races with grease.
11. Install the inner bearing and evenly tap
the new inner seal into place. Clean the bear
ing and seal areas of die spindle. Lubricate
both the spindle and the inner seal lip with a
light coat of grease.
12. Carefully install the hub or hub and
disc assembly. Install the outer bearing,
washer, and spindle nut.
13. On 1963-64 models, assemble the
backing plate and drum assembly. On later
models, remove the spacer block from the
caliper and position the caliper on the caliper
bracket, over the disc. Install and torque .the
caliper mounting bolts to 70 ft. Ibs.
14. Install me wheel and tire assembly and
torque die lug nuts to 75 ft. Ibs.
15. Adjust the bearings and complete die
operation as follows:
a. Hand-spin the wheel and tire and
torque die spindle nut to 12 ft. Ibs.
b. Loosen die spindle nut then tighten
it snug, by hand.
c. Loosen die nut just until die cotter
pin holes align.
d. Install die cotter pin. Bend die ends
of die cotter pin against die nut dien cut
off die extra lengdi to prevent interference
with die dust cap. Install die dust cap.
e. Spin die wheel—it should rotate
smoodily and widiout any signs of grind
ing. If a dial indicator is available, set it up
against die outer surface of die wheel, par
allel to die spindle centerline. Rock die tire
in and out; total end play should be 0.001—
0.005 in.
Front End Alignment
Caster is die measured angle between a true
vertical line passing dirough die center of die