Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
Testing PTP-SYNC
Page 8-16
STATUS LED is on steady
Meaning: There is power but no satellite lock. This probably indicates that a 1 pps
synchronization pulse is not detected by the PTP-SYNC unit.
Action: Depending on system configuration, take one of the following actions:
System using a GPS receiver module - Ensure that there is a cable connection between the
PTP-SYNC GPS/SYNC IN interface and the LPU, also that there is a cable connection
between the LPU and the GPS receiver module. Check that the GPS receiver module has an
uninterrupted view of the sky.
System using an alternative 1 pps timing source - Ensure that there is a cable connection
between the PTP-SYNC GPS/SYNC IN or 1PPS IN interface and the 1 pps timing source.
On cluster slave units – Ensure that there is a cable connection between the slave
GPS/SYNC IN interface and the SYNC OUT interface of the preceding unit in the chain.
STATUS LED double-blinks
Meaning: There may be a fault in the GPS/SYNC IN or 1PPS IN cables.
Action: Check the GPS wiring in accordance with
ODU LED does not illuminate within 90 seconds
Meaning: There may be no communication between PTP-SYNC and ODU.
Action: Ensure that the PTP-SYNC ODU OUT interface is connected to the ODU (and LPUs if
installed) via the drop cable.
ODU LED blinks red
Meaning: Error in communication with ODU. Possible causes are: fault in the ODU or PSU
cable, maximum recommended cable lengths exceeded, or TDD synchronization is not enabled
at the ODU.
Action: Confirm that the ODU and PSU cables are not too long: see
cable lengths on page
. Check the ODU cable wiring by following the procedure described
Test resistance in the drop cable
GPS LED does not illuminate or blink on clustered units
Meaning: This indicates a fault only when the timing source is a GPS receiver.
describes the action to be taken depending upon the behavior of the GPS
LEDs at the master and slave(s).