Chapter 1: Product description
Wireless operation
Page 1-20
When operating on a channel, the spectrum management algorithm implements a radar
detection function which looks for impulsive interference on the operating channel. If
impulsive interference is detected, spectrum management will mark the current operating
channel as having detected radar (unavailable channel) and initiate a channel hop to an
available channel. The previous operating channel will remain in the unavailable state for
thirty minutes after the impulsive interference pulse was detected.
After the thirty minutes have expired the channel will be returned to the usable channel
There is a secondary requirement for bands requiring radar avoidance. Regulators have
mandated that products provide a uniform loading of the spectrum across all devices. In
general, this prevents operation with fixed frequency allocations. However:
ETSI regulations do allow frequency planning of networks (as that has the same effect of
spreading the load across the spectrum).
The FCC does allow channels to be barred if there is actually interference on them.
Fixed frequency allocation is not recommended in radar avoidance regions, as any radar
detection would cause a system outage of at least 30 minutes.
PTP 670 does not support Radar Avoidance in the HCMP topology.
Further reading
For information about…
Refer to…
Radar avoidance in the country of operation
License keys and regulatory bands
Planning for mandatory radar detection
Radar avoidance when aligning antennas
Effect of radar detection on spectrum
Spectrum Expert page in radar avoidance
Access method
PTP topology
PTP 670 provides protection against accidentally establishing a PTP link to the wrong remote
unit using a choice of three different access methods:
Link Access: The MAC address of the remote unit must match the configured Target MAC
Link Name Access: The Link Name of the remote unit must match the configured Link
Group Access: The Group ID of the remote unit must match the configured Group ID.