Chapter 6: Configuration and alignment
SNMP pages (for SNMPv3)
Page 6-93
Step 2: SNMP MIB-II System Objects (for SNMPv3)
Menu option: Management > SNMP. Part of the SNMP Wizard (
Use this page to enter details of the SNMP managed node.
Figure 177 Step 2: SNMP MIB-II System Objects page (for SNMPv3)
Update the attributes (
Click Next.
The next step depends upon which SNMP Security Mode was selected in the Step 1: SNMP
Configuration page:
Step 3: SNMP User Policy Configuration (for SNMPv3)
Confirm SNMP Configuration (for SNMPv3)
Table 184 Step 2: SNMP MIB-II System Objects attributes (for SNMPv3)
Sys Contact
The name of the contact person for this managed node, together with
information on how to contact this person.
Sys Name
An administratively-assigned name for this managed node. By
convention, this is the fully qualified domain name of the node.
Sys Location
The physical location of this node, for example Telephone closet, 3