Chapter 6: Configuration and alignment
Installation menu
Page 6-22
Configuring port allocations with TDM
When TDM is enabled, the Data Service is mapped to the Main PSU Port with no other options
presented to the user. Mapping of the Second Data Service, Management Service and Local
Management Service have standard options consistent with the Data Service mapping.
Table 154 Interface Configuration TDM attributes
TDM Interface
Only displayed when TDM is enabled by license key.
The type of TDM interface that is activated.
None: TDM is disabled.
E1: The E1 TDM interface is activated.
T1: The T1 TDM interface is activated.
License Max Number of
TDM Channels
Only displayed when TDM Interface is set to E1 or T1.
The maximum number of TDM channels (E1 or T1) allowed
under the installed license key.
TDM Enabled Channels
Only displayed when TDM Interface is set to E1 or T1.
Select the number of E1 or T1 channels that are to be enabled
over the wireless bridge (1 to 8).
TDM Channel Line Code
Only displayed when TDM Interface is set to E1 or T1.
Select the line code of the transceiver connected to NIDU E1/T1
channel “n” (where “n” is in the range 1 to 8).
TDM Channel Cable
Length n
Only displayed when TDM Interface is set to T1.
This control compensates for the high frequency attenuation in
T1 cables. Equalization is automatic in the E1 interface.
Select the nearest approximation to the length of cable
connecting the transceiver to NIDU T1 channel “n” (where “n”
is in the range 1 to 8).
Lowest TDM Modulation
Only displayed when TDM Interface is set to E1 or T1.
The lowest modulation mode at which TDM data can be sent. If
the link cannot sustain TDM data in this mode then the effective
lowest modulation mode may differ.
In conjunction with the LINKPlanner tool, this setting may be
used to optimize the latency for links which operate in
consistently high modulation modes. High data rate links are
able to support lower latencies.