Once you have adjusted the above settings to your liking, press the Start Button to have the robot de-
liver your chosen ball type to your chosen location at your desired frequency. If it is not what you want,
press Stop and change the settings until you get the type of shot you want. Then try again. Although
you may find it easiest to stop play to make changes to the settings, when throwing only 1 ball, you can
also change settings on the fly, without stopping play.
One Ball Type Thrown To 2 Or More Placements
Once you have the ball type selected as described in the preceding section, it is a simple matter to have
that same shot delivered to more than one place. To add additional Placements to your Exercise, press
the Ball 2 button. Ball 2 LED will begin flashing, which indicates it is now the Current Ball (and Ball 1 LED
will stop flashing to indicate it is no longer the Current Ball). Please notice that AMICUS has copied
over all settings from the current Ball to Ball 2. To select a different landing spot for Ball 2, all you have
to do is change the Placement setting.
You can continue this same procedure to add up to 7 Balls to your Exercise. With each added Ball, you
will notice that the corresponding LED will light up. By looking at the number of Ball LEDs that are lit,
you can quickly tell the number of shots in an Exercise.
To play your Exercise, press Start, and AMICUS will throw the balls in order from 1 through however
many Balls have lit LEDs. E.g., if you have 3 Balls with lit LEDs, AMICUS will throw Ball 1, followed by Ball
2, and followed by Ball 3. Then it will start over with Ball 1. It will continue this order of thrown balls until
you hit Stop.
If you need to test an individual Ball in an Exercise, without the other Balls being thrown, you will use
the Sample function. To enable sampling, press and hold down the Start Button. It will begin throwing
the Current Ball (whichever one is flashing). Let go of the Start Button when you are finished sampling.
Throwing Different Ball Types In An Exercise
With AMICUS EXPERT, you can change the Ball Type, not just the Ball Placement, for each Ball in an
Exercise. For instance, you can design an Exercise that starts with a short backspin serve to the center,
followed by a slow, medium high, heavy spin loop to the backhand, then a fast, powerful loop to the
forehand, and ending with a high no-spin pop-up in the center.
To design such an Exercise, just change the Spin (including Sidespin), Speed, and/or Trajectory for each ball
in the Exercise. Be sure the Ball LED is flashing (indicating Current Ball) before changing any parameters of
that Ball. And use the Sample button to test each Ball after you have changed any of the parameters.
Best practices: Before starting to play such an Exercise, choose each Ball and look at all the Ball Type
and Ball Placement settings to get an idea of what type of shots will be delivered, to which locations,
and in what order. Then check what the Ball Frequency is by pressing one of the Ball/Min Buttons and
observing the frequency rate on the display. For an Exercise like the one described above, with several
changes of spin and speed, it is advisable to turn on AFC (explained next).
If you want a certain Ball more than once in an Exercise, set that Ball first, as its settings will be copied
over to the new Ball that you select. You can even copy Balls out of order. For instance, If Ball 2 will
also be used as Ball 4, after setting Ball 2, and with Ball 2 LED flashing, press the Ball 4 Button and the
settings for Ball 2 will be copied over to Ball 4 (and Ball 4 LED will begin flashing).