to start the wizard where registration od network cameras and the recording schedule are perdormed.
to start the camera condiguration screen where network cameras are registered.
to start a new registration screen dor an additional network camera. You can also register the camera and
dedine the recording video policy.
Live Viewer
Live Viewer allows you to view video currently being recorded by a network camera.
To view the current video, the network camera must be registered in Camera Policies.
• The layout od the camera view (numbers od rows and columns) and registered network cameras are displayed in
the panel on the right side od the screen.
• The camera view (live video) is displayed on the ledt side panel. In the dedault setting, a 2x2 camera view is dis-
played. A layout view with up to 4x4 cameras can be displayed.
• Double-clicking the network camera name or dragging to the camera view drame enables viewing od the current
video that is being recorded by the network camera.
The layout can be saved drom “View” menu - “Save Layout As”.