BT-770 Operation manual
P/N : 770-ENG-OPM-EUR-D03
Bistos Co., Ltd.
7.2 Safety information
To monitor ECG signal, ECG cable and ECG electrodes specified in this manual
must be used.
When connecting the electrodes or patient cable, make sure that the patient is
absolutely not connected with any other conductive parts or in contact with the
ground. In particular, make sure that all the ECG electrodes, including the neutral
electrodes, are attached to the patient and prevent them from contact with the
conductive parts or ground.
When using electrosurgical (ES) equipment, users should put ECG electrodes at
middle of the ES earthing plate and ES knives to prevent from burns. Cables of ES
equipment cannot be wrapped with ECG cables together.
During use of ES equipment, don’t put electrodes near the earthing plate of such
equipment, otherwise ECG signals will be much disturbed.
For patients who wear a pace maker, pacing pulse analysis must be turned on.
Otherwise, the pacing pulse may be counted as a normal QRS wave, make the
ECG signal too weak to detect the alarm.
Periodically check the skin that the electrode is placed at. If there is any sign of
allergy or irritation, replace the electrode or change the placement position.
Electrosurgical (ESU) device interference, defibrillator discharge
When the patient needs defibrillation, do not use non-defibrillator type ECG
cables. For defibrillation protection, please use the accessories specified by
manufacturer. (Refer to Chapter 17. Accessories)
During defibrillation, the operating personnel shall not touch the patient,
tables and instrument.
During defibrillation, the ECG cable connected with the patient’s body may
be damaged. Check if the function is normal again before using these
The monitor will recover within10 seconds after defibrillation and will not
lose any stored data. During electrosurgery or defibrillation, the
measurement accuracy may be temporarily reduced. This does not affect
the safety of the patient or the instrument.
Do not expose the monitor to X-ray or strong magnetic fields (e.g. MRI).