September 2021
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VCIOM-01249-EN Rev. 0
Set-Up Routines
Section 9: Set-Up Routines
Factory Settings
The above routine resets the present configuration and restores the default configuration
as below:
Stroke limits
Close direction: CW
Close limit: by position
Open limit: by position
Torque set-up
Closing torque: 40%
Opening torque: 40%
ESD set-up
ESD action: close
ESD signal: present ESD priority:
ESD < motor thermostat
ESD < torque limit
ESD < local stop
ESD > local controls
ESD > 2-speed timer
Remote controls
Control type: 4 wires latched
Locals controls
Control type: latched with instant reverse
LED’s color:
green = open / opening
red = close / closing
yellow = alarm / warning
Output relay
Default #1
2-speed timer
Opening direction: off
Closing direction: off
Lithium battery: absent
Torque profile: standard
Torque bypass: 4%
Valve jammed: 4 sec
Table 11.
Configuration procedure
Move the local selector to OFF and then simultaneously press OPEN and STOP.
Select the language and then enter the password according to the instructions
(see “Entering the set-up mode”). When the message displayed is “SET-UP MODE
OK?” press YES. Press YES to select the actuator set-up menu, press NO to scroll
the list of available routines and then press YES to select Miscellaneous.
Press No to scroll the list of routines and press YES to select factory configuration.
Press YES to download the standard configuration, press NO to exit.