September 2021
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VCIOM-01249-EN Rev. 0
Set-Up Routines
Section 9: Set-Up Routines
Configuration procedure
Move the local selector to OFF and then simultaneously press OPEN and STOP.
Select the language and then enter the password according to the instructions
(see “Entering the set-up mode”). When the message displayed is “SET-UP MODE
OK?” press YES. Press YES to select actuator set-up menu, press NO to scroll the
list of available routines and then press YES to select ESD set-up.
Press YES if the ESD action is correct or press NO to scroll the list of available
options (off, open, close, stay-put, go to position xx %). Press YES to select the
desired option.
Press either YES or NO to select the signal type (present, absent).
Press YES to change ESD priority with reference to the following signals or status:
(*) Motor thermostat alarm. Choosing ESD > THERMOSTAT, the ESD
action will be carried out also in case of motor over-heating. Vice-versa,
if ESD < THERMOSTAT was chosen, the ESD action will not be done in case
of motor over-heating.
(*) Torque limit tripped. Choosing ESD > TORQUE LIMIT, the ESD
action will be carried out also in case of torque alarm. Vice-versa,
if ESD < TORQUE LIMIT was chosen, the ESD action will not be done in
case of torque alarm.
(*) Local stop pressed. Choosing ESD > LOCAL STOP, the ESD action
will override the local STOP signal. Vice-versa, if ESD < LOCAL STOP was
chosen, the ESD action will not be performed if the local STOP pushbutton
is pressed.
Local selector in LOCAL. Choosing ESD > LOCAL CONTROLS, the
ESD action will be carried out also when the local selector is in LOCAL.
Vice-versa, if ESD < LOCAL CONTROLS was chosen, the ESD action will not
be performed if the 3-position selector is in LOCAL.
2-speed timer. Choosing ESD > 2-speed timer, the 2-speed timer function
will be inhibited during ESD action. Vice-versa, if ESD < 2-speed timer was
chosen, the 2- speed timer function will be active during ESD action.
(*) Local selector in OFF. By choosing ESD > OFF, the ESD action
will be carried out also when the local selector is in OFF. Vice-versa,
if ESD < OFF was chosen, the ESD action will not be performed if the
3-position selector is in OFF.
The factory configuration is the following: action: CLOSE, signal type: PRESENT, priorities:
ESD > LOCAL CONTROLS, ESD > 2-SPEED TIMER, ESD < all other cases.