Current status
On the display, the current status of the door e.g. limit position CLOSE (_Ec_), switching states of safety inputs such as safety con-
tact edges (ΞSEΞ) or light barriers (ΞLbΞ) are shown. Concerning this, please also see the table: Information display and mes-
sages. Further pieces of information can be called up by turning the DDT to the right.
Clock counter
The clock counter moves on by 1 stroke each time the door is opened. Example 1: 524 strokes = п 5 2 4
Example 2: 36 732 strokes = п . 7 3 2 in roll mode with п 3 6.
Maintenance counter
Depending on the type of door or maintenance agreement, a preset counter counts down each time the door is opened and, when
the preset number of strokes is near to being reached, shows that maintenance is (soon) necessary.
Example 1: 524 strokes = п 5 2 4
Example 2: 36 732 strokes = п . 7 3 2 in roll mode with п 3 6.
Software version
Displays the current software version.
Example: r 0. 1 3
Status query of the safety edges
The input states of the safety edges SE1 and SE2 can be queried.
SE1.1 -> Safety edge is o.k.
SE1.0 -> Safety edge has switched or is interrupted.
Status query of the function inputs
The switching states of the function inputs FE1 – FE8, of the loop evaluator, of the radio receiver and of the buttons on the cover as
well as the inputs of a possible expansion module can all be displayed.
Γ 0 1.0 to Γ 0 8.0 = function inputs FE1 to FE8
Γ 0 9.0 to Γ 1 0.0 = loop detector (BDC-i440 M1) CH1 and CH2 (or FE9 and FE10)
Γ 1 1.0 to Γ 1 4.0 = radio receiver outputs CH1 to CH4
Γ 1 5.0 to Γ 1 7.0 = buttons on control unit cover e.g. OPEN, STOP, CLOSE
Γ 2 5.0 to Γ 3 0.0 = function inputs of an optionally inserted expansion module (BDC-i440 M2 FE1-FE6)
Γ 0 1.1 -> Voltage at input FE1
Γ 0 1.0 -> No voltage at input FE1
Displays the current checksum of the software.
Example: F A F F