ADSP-2192 Peripheral Device Control Registers
B-30 ADSP-219x/2192 DSP Hardware Reference
Host Mailbox Registers
The Host Mailbox registers control communication between the DSP and
host (PCI host or USB Host), depending on which one is turned on. Only
one can be active at time.
DSP Mailbox registers allow you to construct an efficient communications
protocol between the PCI device driver and the DSP code. The mailbox
functions consist of an InBox0, InBox1, OutBox0, OutBox1, a control
register, and a status register.
The incoming mailboxes (
) are 16 bits wide.
They may be read or written by the PCI device or the DSP core. PCI
writes to the InBoxes may generate DSP interrupts. DSP reads of InBoxes
may generate PCI interrupts.
The outgoing mailboxes (
) are 16 bits wide.
They may be read or written by the PCI device or the DSP core. DSP
writes to the OutBoxes may generate PCI interrupts.
PCI reads of OutBoxes may generate DSP interrupts with special han-
dling. The PC host must perform the following sequence when reading an
OutBox: (1) read OutBox, (2) write a 1 to the OutBox
bit to clear it.
(PCI reads of OutBoxes cannot generate interrupts directly, as they would
be “read side-effects” which are prohibited by system design consider-
ations in the PCI Specification.)
This register consists of read/write interrupt enable control bits.
(denoted R/W).
This register consists of read/write-one-clear status bits (denoted
R/WC). A read/write-one-clear bit is cleared when a one is written to it.
Writing a zero has no effect.