Enova DGX DXLink™ Fiber Boards, Duplex
Instruction Manual – Enova DGX 8/16/32/64 Digital Media Switchers
Single Mode SFP+ Fiber Optic Transceiver
The single mode SFP+ fiber optic transceiver is used on DXLink Fiber, Duplex Boards. Depending on the transceiver
model, it will have a bright blue latch or a blue label on the latch top with white triangles showing data flow direction.
The single mode SFP+ fiber optic transceiver requires single mode fiber optic cable, which allows a single optical wave
to traverse through the optic core. Single mode fiber optic cable has a significantly smaller diameter optical core than
multimode fiber optic cable and is generally associated with longer distance transport capabilities.
OSHA Directive
OSHA Technical Manual
(at https://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/otm_iii/otm_iii_6.html) under “VI. Control
Measures and Safety Programs” states: “Direct exposure on the eye by a beam of laser light should
be avoided
with any laser,
no matter how low the power
Transceiver Disposal
If disposal of transceivers is necessary, dispose of them as mandated by your area or country
Adding or replacing SFP+ transceivers should be done only by personnel trained to handle ESD
sensitive parts and assemblies.
The process for removing and replacing transceivers is the same in DXLink Fiber Boards as it is in
DXLink Fiber units and the same for multimode transceivers (black latch) as it is for single mode transceivers
(bright blue latch). The photographs in the procedure on the following page show a DXLink Fiber unit.
FIG. 60
Single mode SFP+ fiber optic transceiver (model with blue handle shown)
Latch color blue or blue on top
Dust plug
DXLink Fiber units use laser transceivers, which are Class 1 Eye Safe per IEC 60825-1/CDRH
requirements. While the Class 1 category indicates that the invisible laser used is safe, we recommend
avoiding direct eye exposure when using any optical fiber products (see the OSHA directive below).
ESD Warning:
To avoid ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) damage to sensitive components, make sure you are
properly grounded before touching any internal Enova DGX 8/16/32/64 materials. Use an ESD wristband
and cord with an alligator clip attached to a good ground source.