- 27 -
is the term for an email call made at regular intervals to find out if any email
has been sent to you, and if so, collect it. The
has been factory-set to poll
once a day. If you choose to set polling to shorter intervals, bear in mind that each time
an email call is made for polling, there will be a charge for the session. Note this is
regardless of whether or not any messages are present for collection.
Polling email calls will be charged to your phone bill. On quarterly bills this charge may
be shown as approx 90 separate daily calls.
Software updates
To ensure you always have the very latest features and enhancements, Amserve may
update the
's software from time to time (the
is the set of
computerised codes that controls the machine's functions).
If the
detects that a software update is required, it will be collected
automatically, usually during the night. No action is required by you.
Note the new software you receive is free. (The software update call will be
charged at the normal email call rate.)
If you observe the
during an update, you'll
see the message
Dialling for software
followed by
Receiving software
update V??
(see example right):
number at the bottom of the display tells
you which
of software is being
The updating process may take several minutes to complete.
At the end of a software update, the following
display will appear (right), after which the
will return to the standby display.
In due course, you may receive an email message
from Amserve giving you information on how to use
the new features and enhancements you've just