- 70 -
4. If you wish to forward this message to
email addresses, repeat step 3
(separate each email address with a comma).
Note the
box's original title will be prefixed by
(short for forward).
Note the original message is prefixed by
(see example below).
5. If required, move the cursor down to the
message area of the display and type in any
additional message/text (see example right):
(Note that the email address, subject and message
can all be edited.)
6. Press
to forward the message. The
following display will appear:
If you don't see the display:
Dialling for
, then the email address you've
entered is
not valid
. Go back to step 3.
Once the above display appears, the message will be sent.
7. Finally,
to return to the standby display.
Note you can forward previously composed
fax messages
as email.
Note there may be reasons why your message
be forwarded (for
information see 'Unsent messages' page 60).
Sending email to an SMS mobile phone
As well as sending email to email addresses, you can also include an
SMS address
box so that the message is sent to a UK mobile phone equipped with SMS
(Short Message Service) texting.
An SMS address is formed by adding
to the mobile phone
number, for example: