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Tel: (860) 585-1254 Fax: (860) 584-1973 http://www.amci.com
TASK 5 (EtherNet/IP Option)
5.1 Required Message Instructions
Two instructions are required to transfer data between the PLC and the EtherNet/IP Stepper Driver. One
instruction reads data from the unit and the other writes data to it. The following table gives the required attri-
butes for the instructions.
Table T5.1 Message Instruction Attributes
Only RSLogix 500 version 8.0 or above can be used to configure Message Instructions to
communicate with an EtherNet/IP device.
5.2 Create Four New Data Files.
An Integer file to contain the data from the SD17060E2 or SD31045E2. This file must be at least
10 words in length.
An Integer file to contain the data sent to the SD17060E2 or SD31045E2. This file must be at
least 10 words in length.
A Message (MG) data file. This file must have at least two elements, one to control the Read
Operation and one to control the Write Operation.
An Extended Routing Information (RIX) data file. This file is used to store information used by
the Message Instructions. This file must have at least two elements, one for the Read Operation
and one for the Write Operation.
All controllers that support EtherNet/IP support explicit messaging. When using
explicit messaging, Message Instructions must be added to your program to com-
municate with the EtherNet/IP Stepper Driver. Explicit messaging can be use on
platforms that also support implicit messaging.
Rockwell Automation controllers which are programmed with the RSLogix 500
software only support explicit messaging. A MicroLogix 1100 is used as an exam-
ple in this chapter.
Read Instruction
Write Instruction
Service Type
Read Assembly
Write Assembly
Service Code
E (hex)
10 (hex)
4 (hex)
4 (hex)
100 (decimal)
150 (decimal)
3 (hex)
3 (hex)
20 bytes
20 bytes