20 Gear Drive, Plymouth Ind. Park, Terryville, CT 06786
Tel: (860) 585-1254 Fax: (860) 584-1973 http://www.amci.com
Networked Indexer/Driver User Manual
4.2 Adding the SD17060E2 or SD31045E2 (continued)
6) Set the following parameters in the Module Properties window. All parameters not listed here are optional.
Figure T4.3 shows a completed screen.
Figure T4.3 Configuration Screen - Generic Device
A descriptive name for the driver.
Comm Format:
Data - INT
The Comm Format defaults to Data - DINT. The Networked Driver will not be able to
communicate with the host controller if this format is not changed when the device is
added to the system. Once added, the Comm Format cannot be changed. The device
must be deleted and added to the project if the Comm Format is incorrect.
IP Address:
Must be the address you set for the SD17060E2 or SD31045E2. Refer to the
task chapter starting on page 107 for information on setting the IP Address of the driver.
Assembly Instance = 100, Size = 10 words.
Assembly Instance = 150, Size = 10 words.
Assembly Instance = 110, Size = 0
7) Verify that the “Open Module Properties” check box is selected and click on [OK]. The Module Properties
window will open. You can set the RPI time as required for your system in this window. The minimum RPI
time for a Networked Drive is 2 milliseconds. When done, click on [OK] to complete the setup.
Error Code 16#0109
The PLC will generate an Error Code 16#0109 when the Comm Format parameter is not changed from its
default of “Data-DINT” to “Data-INT”. This is the most common cause of communication failures with the
Networked Driver.
4.3 Configuring the SD17060E2 or SD31045E2
With the configuration assembly instance size set the zero, the device will join the EtherNet/IP network as
soon as the request is made to it. If the unit does not have a valid configuration stored in its flash memory, it
will show a configuration error in its network input data. Configuration is accomplished by writing a block of
data to the device that is formatted according to the specifications in the
Configuration Mode Data Format
reference chapter, which starts on page 59.
It is possible to store configuration data in the flash memory of the AMCI EtherNet/IP Stepper Driver and this
configuration will be used on power up to configure the device. However, writing the configuration data to
the driver on power up may simplify system maintenance if the device ever has to be swapped out.