Load Initial Profile Values
Chapter 8
Injection Profile Block Identifier
Bits 07-00 of this word identify it as the first word in a series used to
define the injection profile. These bits must be set to 00001001.
We recorded these bits on Worksheet 8-A.
Velocity Units
The following bit determines units of measure for injection velocity values.
-BIT 14 selects units of measure.
0 = Percent velocity
1 = Inches or millimeters per second
We recorded B14 = 1 for units per second on Worksheet 8-A.
Profile Offset Sign
Profile offsets let you shift the amplitude of entire profiles up or down, if
necessary. The offset sign determines the direction of shift.
-BIT 13 controls the direction of pressure profile offset.
0 = Pressure offset is positive (more pressure)
1 = Pressure offset is negative (less pressure)
We recorded B13 = 0 for positive offset on Worksheet 8-A.
-BIT 12 controls the direction of velocity profile offset.
0 = Velocity offset is positive (more velocity)
1 = Velocity offset is negative (less velocity)
We recorded B12 = 0 for positive offset on Worksheet 8-A.
Profile Algorithm
The following bits determine the type of injection profile.
-BITS 01 and 00 select the algorithm for the injection profile.
00 = Velocity vs. Position
01 = Velocity vs. Position (pressure-limited)
10 = Pressure vs. Position
11 = Pressure vs. Time
We recorded B01 = B00 = 1 for pressure vs. time on Worksheet 8-A.
Important: All other bit selections in IPC03 should be zero.
Determine Bit Selections
for Worksheet 8A