Span Your Valves
Chapter 9
Span Your Injection Pressure Valve
Span your injection valve for smooth operation at the highest desired
injection pressure. Do this in the following procedure by finding the
optimum values for these words:
Minimum Pressure Control Limit INC41 (N44:37)
Maximum Pressure Control Limit INC42 (N44:38)
Selected Pressure Valve, Output for Minimum INC43 (N44:39)
Selected Pressure Valve, Output for Maximum INC44 (N44:40)
Important: If PanelView is operational, use it to:
observe actuals
change and download setpoints
run profiles
Important: We suggest that you read this entire procedure before starting.
ATTENTION: As with any machine start-up, make sure you
installed a test mold in the machine. Programming errors,
configuration errors, or hydraulic problems could lead to
machine damage or injury to personnel.
ATTENTION: Be sure all machine guards and shields are in
place before proceeding.
Manually jog your ram (screw) to the mold-end position so you can
exert maximum pressure against the nozzle tip.
Align all other machine hydraulics to simulate injection: enable
pumps and align valves to their normal injection state.
Copy initial values INC09-12 into DYC09-12 (N40:121-124) of your
PLC-5 data table with this exception:
Important: Enter a value corresponding to zero pressure into the word
DYC09-12 (N40:121-124) for output 1, 2, 3, or 4 that drives the selected
ram (screw) pressure valve.
ATTENTION: A value of 0 does not necessarily correspond to
zero pressure. For example, a bi-directional valve would
require a set-output value of 50% (5000) to obtain 0 PSI.