Load Initial Configuration Values
Chapter 7
Selected Ram (Screw) Pressure Valve, Output for Maximum
(INC44, PKC44, HDC44, and PLC44)
The QDC module uses this word with Maximum Ram (Screw) Pressure
Control Limit (word 42) above. Enter the %-signal output that the QDC
module uses to drive the selected ram (screw) pressure valve for maximum
profile pressure. The QDC expects a pressure equal to word 42 when
setting the selected ram (screw) pressure valve to this percentage output.
Determine Output for Maximum values as follows:
9999 (100%) for uni-directional direct acting valves
0 (0%) or 9999 (100%) for bi-directional valves depending on direction
0 (0%) for uni-directional reverse acting valves
If your selected
pressure valve is:
Then the value in
word 44 should be
And during the profile, the QDC module
does NOT drive the valve with a % output
Direct acting
greater than value in word 43
greater than value in word 44
Reverse acting
less than value in word 43
less than value in word 44
Record initial Output for Maximum values on corresponding worksheets.
Minimum Cavity Pressure Control Limit
PKC45 and HDC45
The value in this word corresponds to the minimum controllable cavity
pressure during pack and hold profiles. The QDC module uses this word
with Selected Cavity Pressure Valve, Output for Minimum (word 47)
below. The QDC module expects this pressure when setting the selected
cavity pressure valve to the percentage output you enter in word 47.
We recorded zero on corresponding worksheets.
Maximum Cavity Pressure Control Limit
(PKC46 and HDC46)
The value in this word corresponds to the maximum controllable cavity
pressure during pack and hold profiles. The QDC module uses this word
with Selected Cavity Pressure Valve, Output for Maximum (word 48)
below. The QDC expects this pressure when setting the selected cavity
pressure valve to the percentage output you enter in word 48.
Record on corresponding worksheets a maximum control limit equal to the
maximum obtainable cavity pressure based on valve settings during
respective profiles.