Load Initial Profile Values
Chapter 8
Expert Response Compensation
-BITS 11, 10, 09, and 08 determine whether you apply Expert
Response Compensation
(ERC) to injection profiles. ERC is an
exclusive algorithm that adjusts for changes in your machine,
hydraulics, raw materials, and other process variables. It
compensates for abrupt upsets and long term deviations.
0 = Expert Response Compensation ON
1 = Expert Response Compensation OFF
We recorded these bits = 1 (ERC = Off) on worksheet 8-A
Open or Closedloop Control
-BITS 03, 02, 01, and 00 determine whether you use open- or
closed-loop control of injection profiles. In open loop, you set a
valve position to move the cylinder without sensor feedback . In
closed loop, you use sensor feedback to control the valve regulating
pressure or velocity.
0 = Closed loop
1 = Open loop
We recorded these bits = 1 for open-loop control on worksheet 8-A.
Important: All other bit selections in IPC04 should be zero.
The valve spanning procedures in chapter 9 require these initial bit
settings. Where required, we help you select correct final bit settings for
your application in chapter 10. For additional information, refer to the
Plastic Molding Module Reference Manual (publication 1771-6.5.88).
Velocity Setpoints
(IPC09, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, and 49)
Use these words when configuring velocity vs. position profiles. Each
velocity setpoint is used between the last completed profile segment and
the end-of-segment position setpoint. You may use from 1 to 11 segments
in your profile. The procedures in chapter 9 require all eleven.
We recommend that you use initial velocity setpoints equal to the
maximum velocity your ram (screw) is capable of traveling. Get this value
from your OEM specs for your specific machine.
Record this initial value for all 11 velocity setpoints on Worksheet 8-A.
The valve spanning procedures in chapter 9 require these initial values.
For additional information, refer to the Plastic Molding Module Reference
Manual (publication 1771-6.5.88).
Determine Word Values
for Worksheet 8A