Load Initial Profile Values
Chapter 8
The valve spanning procedures in chapter 9 require these initial values. For
additional information, refer to the Plastic Molding Module Reference
Manual (publication 1771-6.5.88).
Time Setpoints
(PPC12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, and 48)
Use these words when configuring either one of the following profiles:
backpressure vs time
RPM vs time
Each setpoint controls the time (in seconds) of its corresponding segment.
Important: Use one less time setpoint than pressure or RPM setpoints.
We recorded one second (100) for these time setpoints on Worksheet 8-C.
Profile Offsets
(PPC51, 52)
Profile offsets let you shift the amplitude of the entire plastication profile
up or down, if necessary.
-PPC51 determines the offset for RPM profiles in rotations per minute
-PPC52 determines the offset for backpressure profiles in PSI or Bar
We recorded zero (no offset) on Worksheet 8-C.
Cushion Size
This word determines the nominal length of molten plastic that should
remain in the barrel at the conclusion of the hold profile. The QDC uses
this length in computing the 100% shot size. Units are inches or
We recorded zero (no cushion) on Worksheet 8-C.
Shot Size
This word determines the nominal length of molten plastic that should be
drawn during the plastication profile. The QDC uses this length when
computing the end-of-plastication position (100% shot size). Units are
inches or millimeters.
100% shot size = shot size + cushion
= PPC62 + PPC61
Record a typical shot size for your machine on Worksheet 8-C. Use this
value to determine segment length in End-of-segment Positions, above.