Load Initial Profile Values
Chapter 8
Transition Setpoints
(IPC60, 61, 62, 63, and 64)
Use these words when configuring the type of transition from injection to
the pack (or hold) profile. The QDC module starts the transition when it
detects the first of the following conditions that you enable with a non-zero
setpoint. You may enable one or more of the following:
-IPC60 determines the transition time limit. The QDC module
immediately terminates the injection profile and begins the pack (or
hold) profile if total injection-profile execution time equals or
exceeds the non-zero entry in this word.
We recorded 10 seconds (1000) for this setpoint on Worksheet 8-A.
-IPC61 determines the ram (screw) position for transition. The QDC
module immediately terminates the injection profile and begins the
pack (or hold) profile if the ram (screw) position is less than or equal
to the non-zero entry in this word. Use a position equal to or just
beyond top-of-cushion position PPC61 measured from the mold end.
We recorded zero on Worksheet 8-A to inhibit a position transition.
-IPC62 determines the ram (screw) pressure for transition. The QDC
module immediately terminates the injection profile and begins the
pack (or hold) profile if both occur:
ram (screw) position is less than or equal to any non-zero entry in
INC64, start of zone for pressure transition
ram (screw) pressure equals or exceeds the non-zero entry in this
word. Typically, you enter a setpoint below mold-flash pressure.
We recorded zero on Worksheet 8-A to inhibit pressure transition.
-IPC63 determines the cavity pressure for transition. The QDC module
immediately terminates the injection profile and begins the pack (or
hold) profile if both occur:
ram (screw) position is less than or equal to any non-zero entry in
INC64, start of zone for pressure transition
cavity pressure equals or exceeds the non-zero entry in this word.
Typically, you enter a setpoint below mold-flash pressure.
We recorded zero on Worksheet 8-A to inhibit pressure transition.