Jog Your Machine
Chapter 5
Worksheet 5-A lists all words in which you must enter values to
successfully configure your QDC module for jogging the ram (screw).
Use it to record:
Enter initial values just sufficient to jog in the desired direction.
Keep this information in mind:
The numbers you enter are %-signal output.
For a range of –10 to +10vdc, zero output occurs @ 50%
(See Warning on next page.)
Later in this chapter you modify them to obtain desired jog results.
setpoints for jog-RPM and jog-pressure alarms
The QDC module sets an alarm any time ram (screw) RPM and/or
pressure equals or exceeds the respective value during jogs. A zero
entry inhibits alarm actuation.
High RPM and/or high pressure alarms that you set in chapter 3
are also active during jog functions.
Jog-specific high pressure alarms for clamp and eject jogs are
NOT activated in a QDC module configured for inject mode.
Determine Initial Jog Values