Install the QDC Module
Chapter 2
Before installing the QDC module, you must select with jumper plugs the
I/O ranges that you recorded on Worksheet 2-A.
Access and Position the Jumpers
Access the jumpers and set them as follows:
ATTENTION: To avoid damage to internal circuits, observe
handling precautions and rid yourself of any electrostatic
charge. Use an anti-static work station when setting jumper
1. Remove the label-side cover plate by removing the four screws.
2. Remove the circuit board from the module housing by removing the
two screws located center-front at the swingarm catch.
3. Carefully turn over the circuit board so it is oriented as in figure 2.1.
Handle it by the edges to avoid touching conductors or components.
4. Use figure 2.1 to locate the jumper plugs.
5. Set the jumper plugs (Table 2.A) using a small needle-nose pliers.
6. After setting the jumper plugs, re-assemble the module.
Set Module Jumper Plugs