Jog Your Machine
Chapter 5
Jog your ram (screw) in forward and reverse directions. Experiment with
values you entered in the jog configuration block (JGC) until you obtain
the desired jog operation.
You must download the JGC to the QDC module each time you change a
value in the command block to implement the new value. Refer to the
download procedure outlined in chapter 4.
If You Observe This Condition:
Then Make This Adjustment:
Rough jerky acceleration or deceleration
(Hammering hydraulics)
1) Decrease jog pressure
2) Decrease jog setpoint
Sluggish acceleration or deceleration
1) Boost jog pressure
Although the QDC module (in inject mode) may not be directly controlling
your machine’s clamp and ejector jogs, your hydraulics may require valves
connected to this QDC module’s outputs to go to a certain position to
assure proper clamp and/or ejector jog functions. The jog configuration
block lets you set up these indirect jog values.
If your hydraulics require it, take time now to set your valves connected to
the QDC module (in inject mode) to assist with clamp and/or eject jogs.
Otherwise, omit the rest of this chapter.
Whenever the appropriate clamp or ejector jog bit is set in dynamic
command block DYC01, the jog configuration block (JGC) values
corresponding to the respective jog are applied to QDC module outputs.
In Worksheet 5-B, enter values which must be applied to the QDC
module (in inject mode) to successfully execute clamp and ejector
Important: Jog-specific high pressure alarms are NOT activated in an
inject-mode QDC module during clamp and ejector jogs.
Download the jog configuration block (JGC) using the download
procedure outlined in chapter 4.
Jog Your Ram (Screw)
Configure Jogs
for the Clamp and Ejector