Instrument functions
User Manual 1179.2531.02 ─ 03
4. Activates the "Enabled" menu item.
The R&S
NGU enables the Arbitrary function and displays the "Arbitrary" icon on
the channel status bar information.
5. Select "Load from file.." to load the arbitrary file.
6. Select the required source and file location.
Alternatively, select "New file" to edit a new arbitrary file. The R&S
NGU opens the
to edit the arbitrary file.
7. Select "Load" to load the selected file.
The R&S
NGU loads the selected arbitrary file.
Figure 6-40: Select arbitrary file location
8. Applicable only with R&S NGU-K103, Digital Output option. See
Activate "Start triggered" or "Step triggered" if the arbitrary function is executed
under triggered condition.
● "Start triggered": If triggered, the complete arbitrary function is executed.
● "Step triggered": If triggered, every arbitrary step needs a trigger signal to exe-
cute (step time from "Arb Editor" is ignored).
Arbitrary editor
Interpolation flag
After execution of all repetition cycles, the last interpolation flag is ignored. See
The "Arb Editor" dialog allows you to edit the arbitrary profile ("Voltage", "Current",
"Time", "Interpolate" status, "Rep." and "End Behavior"). To view or open the list of
available arbitrary files, select to open the arbitrary file.
Advanced features
Allice Messtechnik GmbH