Option: Remote Electronics for High Line or Gas Temperatures
Some applications involve operating
temperatures outside the standard Alicat
device specifications. A solution using
remote electronics is available. (This option is
not applicable for liquid devices.)
The flow body’s components are minimized
to only the required sensors. The flow data is
sent to the microprocessor electronics up to
6 feet away from the sensor package.
Relocating the sensitive electronics allows
for installation of the flow body in ambient
temperatures as high as 85° Celsius with gas temperatures under 100°Celsius.
In these applications we recommend our custom gauge calibration at a
gas temperature of up to 70°Celsius. This will reduce zero shift errors that
occur when actual gas flow temperatures deviate substantially from the gas
calibration temperature.
This configuration is also used in integrations that require a compact flow
package at the installation point.
Option: Remote Panel Display
Our Remote Display option offers the flexibility of using
Alicat’s display with units that are embedded inside
processes or instrument enclosures.
The Remote Display retains all of the same features as our
standard display.
The Remote Display is ideal for:
OEMs Remote Panel Mounting
Embedded Systems
Gas Panels
Fuel Cell Test Stations
Leak Detection Systems
Artificial Environments