Checking PFC Chock coil
1) Check PFC chock connections – repair if needed.
2) Visually check to see any burn marks on the wires – replace the chock(s) if needed.
3) Disconnect the chock from the driver and check if the 2 ending wires of each chock are shorted
(continuity check) – if they are NOT shorted replace the chock(s), if they are shorted – check the
driver (
Replacing PFC chock - (
Checking DC Capacitors
1) Check visually for burn marks on the capacitor PCB and the capacitors for swelling casing
– replace if needed.
2) Check capacitance between the + and – poles, should be 2820±560
F (GC 36-43 DCI) or
F (GC 60 DCI) – replace if not.
Replacing DC Capacitor board - (
Checking fuse on Main Board
If the 3.15A fuse on the main Board is burnt check the outdoor fans or any other peripheral that can
cause a short:
1) In case of a problematic peripheral - replace it.
2) In case no problematic peripheral replace the burnt fuse.
3) In case of frequent burning fuse, replace the controller.
Replacing main board - (
Checking Outdoor Fan Motor
An Outdoor fan motor fault message may occur during very high winds outdoors that may stop the
fan rotation for short periods. If so, need to relocate the outdoor unit to a more protected place from
winds or install measure of air deflection in front of the fan outlets.
1) Check OFAN connections - Repair if needed.
2) Rotate the fan slowly by hand - If the fan does not rotate easily, check whether something
is obstructing the fan preventing it from rotating – remove the obstruction if necessary. If no
obstruction and still not operating - the fan motor bearings have seized - Replace the motor.
3) Disconnect the OFAN connector from the main board, switch ON the power and check the fan
motor connector on the main board:
a. Between 1 and 3 – should be 310VDC. If very low or 0VDC, replace main board.
b. Between 3 and 4 – should be 15VDC. If very low or 0VDC, replace main board.
c. Between 3 and 6 – should be 15VDC. If very low or 0VDC, replace main board.
4) Connect back the motor connector to the main board, switch ON the power and check the motor
current while operating. Current should be around 1A - In case of abnormal current (no current or
excessive current), replace fan motor.