Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
introduction to :SBUS commands
introduction to :SYSTem commands
introduction to :TIMebase commands
introduction to :TRIGger commands
introduction to :WAVeform commands
introduction to common (*) commands
introduction to root (:) commands
invert graticule colors for hardcopy
inverting input for channels
key disable
key press detected in Standard Event Status
knob disable
known state
label command, bus
LABel commands
label list
labels to store calibration information
labels, specifying
language example program
leakage into peak spectrum
learn string
least significant byte first
left reference
legal values for channel offset
legal values for frequency span
legal values for offset
less than qualifier
less than time
LESSthan commands
LEVel commands
level for trigger voltage
LF coupling
license information
limits for line number
LIN acknowledge
LIN baud rate
LIN identifier
LIN serial decode bus parity bits
LIN source
LIN standard
LIN sync break
LIN trigger
LIN trigger commands
LIN trigger definition
LIN triggering
line glitch trigger source
line number for TV trigger
line terminator
LINE trigger level
LINE trigger source
list of channel labels
load utilization (CAN)
local lockout
lockout message
logic level activity
long form
lower threshold
lower threshold voltage for measurement
lowercase characters in commands
low-frequency reject filter
low-pass filter used to limit bandwidth
LRN (Learn Device Setup)
magnitude of occurrence
main sweep range
main time base mode
making measurements
MAN option for probe sense
manual cursor mode
MARKer commands
marker mode
marker position
marker readout
marker set for voltage measurement
marker sets start time
marker time
markers for delta voltage measurement
markers track measurements
markers, command overview
markers, mode
markers, time at start
markers, time at stop
markers, X delta
markers, X1 position
markers, X1Y1 source
markers, X2 position
markers, X2Y2 source
markers, Y delta
markers, Y1 position
markers, Y2 position
mask command, bus
master summary status bit
math function, stop displaying
math operations
MAV (Message Available)
maximum duration
maximum position
maximum range for delayed window
maximum scale for delayed window
maximum vertical value measurement
maximum vertical value, time of
MEASure commands
measure overshoot
measure period
measure phase between channels
measure preshoot
measure start voltage
measure stop voltage
measure value at a specified time
measure value at top of waveform
measurement error
measurement setup
measurement source
measurements, average value
measurements, base value
measurements, clear
measurements, command overview
measurements, counter
measurements, dc RMS
measurements, definition setup
measurements, delay
measurements, duty cycle
measurements, fall time
measurements, frequency
measurements, how autoscale affects
measurements, lower threshold level
measurements, maximum vertical value
measurements, maximum vertical value, time
measurements, minimum vertical value
measurements, minimum vertical value, time
measurements, overshoot
measurements, period
measurements, phase
measurements, preshoot
measurements, pulse width, negative
measurements, pulse width, positive
measurements, resetting
measurements, rise time
measurements, show
measurements, source channel
measurements, standard deviation
measurements, start marker time
measurements, stop marker time
measurements, thresholds
measurements, time between start and stop
measurements, time between trigger and
measurements, time between trigger and
vertical value
measurements, time between trigger and
voltage level
measurements, upper threshold value
measurements, vertical amplitude
measurements, vertical peak-to-peak
measurements, voltage difference
memory setup
message available bit
message available bit clear
message displayed
message error
message queue
messages ready
midpoint of thresholds
minimum duration
Summary of Contents for DSO6014A/L
Page 1: ...A Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Reference...
Page 16: ...16 Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Reference...
Page 30: ...30 Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Reference 1 What s New...
Page 540: ...540 Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Reference 6 Error Messages...
Page 562: ...562 Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Reference 7 Status Reporting...
Page 624: ...624 Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer s Reference 9 Programming Examples...