Page 74
Release: 02.0
Set General Release
General release without which all power outputs are disa-
bled. Must be set to use the aflex.
Control intensity of the aflex.
If this is greater than "0", the aflex is activated with the cur-
rently selected direction and activated configuration. To turn
the aflex off, set it to "0".
If components are to be conveyed, the conveying direction
can be defined as an angle specification. The horizontal ac-
tuators are controlled for conveying.
All power outputs require the general release. If this input is not set, it is switched off.
Every time the control unit is restarted, this release must be reset.
If a background lighting is switched via the power output of the control unit, this must
be controlled by means of the "Aux Power Output" of the control unit. The intensity of
the light can be adjusted as a percentage by means of the PWM output.
By selecting different predefined configurations, different parameter sets can be
changed. This may be of big advantage for e.g. in the case of a change of variants or
an alternative component handling (a change from separating to conveying). As soon
as a new configuration number is transferred to the aflex input, the control unit switches
the parameters.
As a rule, a distinction is made between a conveyor configuration and a flip configura-
tion during the control. A different frequency range is suitable for conveying than to
separate the components. In addition, the horizontal actuators are deactivated when
separating. This is converted to 0 by limiting its maximum intensity. The selected con-
figuration is active until the transferred number on the fieldbus input changes or the
configuration is manually reloaded in the "aflexConfigurator".
The aflex is controlled by two commands. The specification of a control intensity and
the specification of a direction of movement. If the horizontal actuators are deactivated
during a "flip configuration", the transfer value of the direction of movement has no
effect. As soon as the control intensity is set > 0, the aflex is controlled and vibrated. If
the intensity is reset to 0, the aflex is switched off.