Page 82
Release: 02.0
6.6.3 Telnet-Server
In addition to the digital inputs / outputs, the control unit has a Telnet server. Like the
digital inputs / outputs, the configured fieldbus interfaces are addressed. The bit ad-
dress can be used to access each input / output. The port of the Telnet server is defined
via the menu of the control unit in the "aflexConfigurator". By default, this is preconfig-
ured on port 23. The Telnet server is activated or deactivated in the same menu.
Figure 75: Telnet Configuration
A Telnet connection can be tested in the console. The connection is established via
the "connect" & "login" button, the "heartbeat" shows the existing connection. A brief
description of the Telnet protocol is stored in the "command overview".
The Telnet protocol based on the ASCII code. An empty space (0x20) is used as a
separator. At the end of each command, a "Carriage Return" (0x0D) & "Line Feed"
(0x0A) is necessary.
To log on to the Telnet server, a user name and password must be transferred. After
the connection is established, the Telnet server requested a user name via "TU\r\n"
Type User. The password is then requested by means of "TP\r\n" type password. After
successful login, the server logs "LI 1\r\n" Login "true" or "LI 0\r\n
” Login "false" for
incorrect logging. To log in, use the following user & password:
User name: "admin"
Password: "TelnetServer"
A command is defined as follows:
Table 9: Definition Telnet-Commands