Release: 02.0
Page 29
5.3.2 Advanced display Administrator
If the user "admin" is activated, further displays and options are visible on the start
page. These are described below.
Figure 18: Start page display admin
In Administrator mode, the computer's local Ethernet endpoints are displayed. This is
used to search the devices in the network via UDP Broadcast. A control unit can also
be added via a button. The IP address is specified here. As soon as the aflexConfigu-
rator finds a control unit with this IP address the data will be loaded and displayed.
Figure 19: Control unit Display admin
The display of the control unit is extended in the administrator mode by the MAC ad-
dress of the device. Each ping is checked via the MAC filter. This determines whether
this participant is a control unit. In the case of an IP address conflict, the MAC filter can
be deactivated to enable the connection to the control unit. In this case, the IP address
of the control unit should be adjusted.