Page 24
Release: 02.0
User groups
To enable easier operation for the standard user, complex functions are distributed to
different user levels. The current user group is displayed in the upper right of the aflex-
Figure 11: Display the current user
Clicking on this button changes the user group.
Figure 12: User switching
User: "Standard"
Basic functions for manual operation of the aflex system
Cannot make remanent changes, saving is deactivated
Can load configurations and test their function
User: "Advanced"
Contains extended rights against the "standard" user. This user group is used for com-
missioning the aflex system.
Has the right to change and save configurations
Can change general settings and save them
Has access to the "fieldbus menu"
User: "Admin"
Has full access rights in the aflexConfigurator. Can parametrize aflex modules and
change basic settings. This user is only to be used when exchanging modules.
The user "admin" has full access rights. In case of improper op-
eration, the function of the aflex system is impaired or lost.