About property groups
The properties for defining statements in a condition are grouped in categories. You can
view a list of all property groups in the Edit Profiles dialog box. In addition, you can view
the individual properties that make up each group, as well as an explanation of how
Preflight uses the properties.
The following property groups are available in Preflight:
Includes most characteristics of comments and drawing markups, traps, and printer marks.
Includes color characteristics, such as color spaces, alternate color spaces, patterns, and
spot colors. Alternate color spaces enable Acrobat to display or print certain spot colors
and multicomponent spot colors (DeviceN). For example, to reproduce the color orange
on a monitor or printer, the Adobe PDF document requires both the color space for the
spot color as well as an alternate color space (made up of RGB or CMYK colors) that
defines what the spot color looks like.
Includes all the pieces of information that apply to the Adobe PDF document as a whole.
Using DVA (Dictionary Validation Agent), Preflight checks for syntactical errors in the
document structure, such as in the format of the file and the entries in the dictionaries. For
example, the DeviceRGB color space requires three values. If only two are present,
Preflight flags this condition.
Document Info
Lists all the standard entries that can also be accessed by the Document Info dialog box in
Acrobat, and information that has been standardized by the ISO 15930 standard (PDF/X).
Embedded PostScript
Refers to the PostScript operators that can be embedded into the PDF file. There are two
tests in the condition, one for a PostScript operator used in a Type 4 Function, the other
for PostScript operators embedded in a PostScript XObject (each of the two tests can be
set to test for True or False).
Includes everything about a font being used for a piece of text. Note that text size is a text
property, not a font property, because a font can be used at many sizes throughout a PDF
document. Text size is included in the Text property group.
Form Fields
Includes properties for form fields.
General Graphic State Properties
Includes settings that control exactly how text or images are displayed in a PDF page.
Overprint settings, for example, are included here.
Graphic State Properties for Fill
Includes graphic state information about how areas are filled, particularly the color values
of the current color space.
Graphic State Properties for Stroke
Includes graphic state information about how lines are drawn, particularly the color values
of the current color space. The group also includes line properties, such as line thickness.
Includes graphic state settings relevant for prepress operations, such as screen angles,
frequencies, and spot shapes.
ICC Color Spaces
Includes properties for accessing the characteristics in the embedded ICC profiles, which
define the ICC color spaces. ICC profiles contain data for translating device-dependent
color to a device-independent color space, such as CIE L*a*b. This helps you reproduce
color consistently across different platforms, devices, and ICC-compliant applications
(such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign). A document that contains images saved
in different color spaces (such as RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale) could have a separate ICC
profile for calibrating the color for each color space. (See
Includes image resolution, bit depth, number of pixels, rendering intent, and more.
Checks for Optional Content operators, which may change the visual appearance of a page.
Includes properties for analyzing all existing OPI links (comments), whether from OPI
version 1.3 or 2.0. The possible OPI entries in a PDF file are more or less the same as in
PostScript files.
Output Intent (ICC Profile Properties)
Includes properties for accessing information from an ICC profile that is embedded as part
of the output intent. This group includes the same properties as ICC profiles for objects,
such as profile name and type. The ICC profile describes the output condition of the
device where the document will be imaged.
Output Intents
Defines which output process the Adobe PDF file has been prepared for. A PDF file
intended for high-resolution printed output typically contains an output intent with an ICC
profile in it. Although Acrobat doesn't automatically use this ICC profile, it is included
because a proofing device or a RIP might use it. Instead, the ICC profile could be used by
a proofing device or a RIP for imaging.
Page Description
Includes that part of a PDF file that gets something "painted" onto the PDF page. This
group includes only one entry, BX... EX, which refers to the pair of operators in a page
description that tells older versions of Acrobat to skip the enclosed portion of the page
description if it is not supported. An example is smooth shades prior to Adobe Acrobat 4.0.
Includes page numbers and page sizes that represent the various document boxes
supported by Adobe PDF 1.3 and later technology (media box, bleed box, trim box, and
art box). This group also includes plate names for PDF pages that belong to a preseparated
PDF file.
Includes the size at which the current font is used to draw the text.
Summary of Contents for ACROBAT 3D
Page 1: ......
Page 37: ...What s New in Adobe Acrobat 3D New features ...
Page 95: ...Finding Adobe PDF Files Using Organizer Using the Organizer window ...
Page 184: ...FORMS About Adobe PDF forms Setting Forms preferences ...
Page 241: ...Collecting Data from Submitted Forms Collecting form data by email ...
Page 316: ...SECURITY About security Viewing the security settings of an open Adobe PDF document ...
Page 423: ......
Page 508: ...Optimizing Adobe PDF Documents Using PDF Optimizer ...
Page 571: ...SEARCH AND INDEX About searching Adobe PDF documents ...
Page 602: ...PRINT PRODUCTION About print production in Acrobat ...
Page 729: ...SPECIAL FEATURES About document metadata About JavaScript in Acrobat About Digital Editions ...
Page 738: ...Working with JavaScript Working with JavaScript in Acrobat ...
Page 762: ...ADOBE VERSION CUE About Adobe Version Cue Getting help Key features of Adobe Version Cue ...
Page 809: ...Tutorial Version Cue Getting started with Version Cue ...
Page 821: ...Legal Notices Copyright ...