Creating web photo galleries
Display a copyright watermark in web photo galleries
Photos in your web photo gallery can display a text-based watermark with copyright information derived from IPTC
metadata. Lightroom does not support graphical watermarks. To add a graphical watermark to photos in a web gallery,
use a third-party template such as
TTG Postcardviewer
You can also apply a text-based copyright watermark to photos that you export from Lightroom. See “
metadata handling
” on page
In the Output Settings panel, select Add Copyright Watermark.
Lightroom displays the metadata copyright in the lower-left corner of the large image preview. You cannot edit or
customize the size, placement, or appearance of this copyright watermark.
To display copyright metadata in the caption below the large photo, in the Image Info panel, choose Edit from the
menu next to Caption. Then, insert the copyright IPTC metadata token. The placement of this copyright cannot be
edited, but the color can be specified with the Detail Text option in the Color Palette panel.
Create custom web gallery templates
Modifications you make to the colors, layout, text, and output settings can be saved as a custom web gallery template.
After you save it, the custom template is listed in the Template Browser for reuse. You can create new folders in the
Template Browser to help organize your templates.
Save custom web gallery templates
In the Template Browser of the Web module, select a template on which to base your custom template, and modify
the layout.
Specify the settings you want in the Site Info, Color Palette, Appearance, Output Settings, Image Info, and Output
Settings panels.
Click the Plus icon
(+) in the Template Browser in the Web module.
Overwrite “Untitled Template” to give your custom template a name, and specify a folder (such as “User
Templates”) for the template.
Create and organize template folders
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac
OS) the area where you want the folder to appear and choose New
Type the name of the folder and click OK.
Drag a template to a folder name to move the template to that folder.
If you drag a Lightroom preset template to a different folder, the template is copied to that folder.
Update custom templates
Modify colors, layout, text, and output settings as needed.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac
OS) a template in the Template Browser and choose Update With
Current Settings.
Updated 03 September 2009