Now connect the other end of the USB cable to your PC or laptop. In
the installer menu. go to “Download” and in the “Download” menu
select “Connection Type”.
Select “local” and press the control key
under “Select”.
During the first call, the alarm station then installs the USB drivers on your
computer. The connection is then established.
12.2 Programming
To program the equipment, install the Downloader program from the
software CD supplied. You can also obtain the current version of this
program in the download area of the Security Center homepage.
After installing and starting the downloader program, you are
prompted to enter a password. This is: security.
After entering the password, you create a new customer. When you
create a customer, you have to enter a serial number of the alarm
station. Enter any 8-digit number, e.g.: 12345678.
Note also the connection settings. For the local connection setting via
USB, you usually choose COM 3 in the software. For a brief description
of the software, see the Downloader CD provided.