Description of application and parameters
Application "Function block x"
Product manual 2CKA001473B9488
Object type for object x
1 bit
1 byte 0 - 100%
1 byte 0 - 255
2-byte float
2-byte signed
2-byte unsigned
4-byte float
4-byte signed
4-byte unsigned
1 bit:
– The value is sent as 1-bit switching commands (0 or 1), e.g. On/Off, enabled/blocked,
1 byte 0 - 100%:
– The value is sent as 1-byte value without a sign (percentage value).
(0 = 0%, 255 = 100%)
1 byte 0 - 255:
– The value is sent as 1-byte value without a sign. Any value 0 - 255.
2-byte float:
– The value is sent as floating point value (-671088.6 - 670760.9), e.g. temperature or
moisture value.
2-byte signed:
– The value is sent as 2-byte value with a sign, (-32768 - +32767), e.g. time difference or
percentage difference.
2-byte unsigned:
– The value is sent as 2-byte value without a sign (0 - 65535), e.g. time or brightness
4-byte float:
– The value is sent as 4-byte floating point value, physical values, e.g. luminosity, electric
power, pressure.
4-byte signed:
– The value is sent as 4-byte value with a sign (-2147483648 - +2147483647), e.g.
counting impulse, time difference.
4-byte unsigned:
– The value is sent as 4-byte value without a sign (0 - 4294967295), e.g. counting
The set option fixes the bit size of communication objects "Sx: switching 1 operation" and "Sx:
switching x operations" of a button or multiple operations independent from each other.
For every application or multiple operation a different bit size and thus a different function can
be selected.
The number of the adjustable parameters "Object type for object x" is dependent
on the setting of parameter "Number of objects or operations".