Description of application and parameters
Application "Temperature"
Product manual 2CKA001473B9488
Application "Temperature"
Temperature - Application
Temperature sensor
– Application is not active.
Temperature sensor:
– Application is active.
The application enables the temperature sensor of the device and fixes the conditions for
sending the measured value.
The following communication objects are available:
"TS: actual temperature"
"TS: actual temperature adjustment"
The temperature sensor can be used for a room temperature controller (RTC). Here the
temperature sensor is the slave device and the RTC the master device. Slave devices must be
linked with the master device via the appropriately labelled communication objects. The slave
device operates the RTC functions of the master device.
The following parameters can only be adjusted when the function "Temperature"
is set on "Temperature sensor".
The parameters for "Temperature" can be called up via
general parameters
Send measured values
Only cyclical
Cyclic and during change
Only cyclical:
– The actual temperature (room temperature) is sent at fixed time intervals. The interval is
set via parameter "Cycle time for sending the actual temperature".
Cyclic and at a value change:
– The actual temperature is sent at fixed intervals and at each change of the room