Description of application and parameters
Application "Function block x"
Product manual 2CKA001473B9488
11.5.9 Application - 1-button multiple operation
The application is used to create from one up to five button operations. Different bit values can
be sent for each single and multiple press of the button.
For every multiple operation an own communication object is available.
"Sx: switching 1 actuation"
"Sx: switching x actuations"
In each case, the application makes a separate set of parameters and communication objects
available in function block x for both buttons. The second button of each function block can be
occupied with an additional button function.
The parameters for application "1-button multiple actuation" can be called up via
general parameters
extended parameters.
The number (S1 - Sx) of the object depends on the function block and the button
Number of objects or operations
Setting option from 1 to 5
The parameter is used to set the number of communication objects or multiple operations
available for one button.
One object: single operation
Two objects: single and double operation
Three objects: single, double and triple operation
Four objects: single, double, triple and quadruple operation
Five objects: single, double, triple, quadruple quintuple operation