Description of application and parameters
Application "General functions"
Product manual 2CKA001473B9488
Number of actuator groups
Setting option from 1 to 8
The parameter is used to configure up to eight actuator groups for the light scene actuator.
At a call up of a scene, telegrams are sent consecutively via communication object "GFx:
actuator group x". If, for example, four lamp groups, a blind and an absolute temperature value
are to be sent at the call-up of a scene, the parameter must be set on "6" actuator groups.
The bit size of communication objects "GFx: actuator group x" is set via parameter "Object type
actuator group x".
Duration of telegram delay
Setting option from 00.100 to 10.000 (ss.fff)
At the call up of a scene, telegrams are sent consecutively via communication objects "GFx:
actuator group x". The sequence is strictly specified. First the telegram of actuator group A is
sent out, then the telegram of actuator group B, etc.
The parameter is used to set the delay time between the individual telegrams.
Overwrite scenes at download
– The scene values saved by the user remain in the device.
– When reprogramming the device, the values saved by the user are overwritten with the
preset values in the parameterisation software.
A scene storage can be triggered with a long press of the button on the device. The
communication objects "GFx: actuator groups x" send read requests to the connected actuators.
If the L-flag is set for the objects of the connected actuators, the actuators send an answer
telegram to the device with their current values.
If the parameter is activated, the current scene values are saved and at the same time overwrite
the previous values.